Interview with Valence Primary School's Communication Team
Today’s blog is our first interview with some fantastic Communication Team members from Valence Primary
Let’s start by asking you about what roles you have on your Communication Team?
Action Team Developer – Aisha
Progress Board Updater and Secretary – Sam and Aisha
Question Finder- Zakia
Class Meeting Tool Leader – Leah and Nina
Staff Liaison – Tahlia and Reece
Website updater and Twitter/Facebook Updater and TV Screens Updater: Glenn and Sam
Assembly Co-ordinator- Tahlia
Poster maker- Tillie, Leah, Tahlia and Aisha
Suggestion Box Checker- Mubarak
Head Teacher Updater and Governor Updater- Tahlia and Reece
Amazing. That’s great to hear. What is the best thing about being on the Communication Team?
“At Valence, the best thing is knowing that every pupil has a voice”
We enjoy having our meetings to discuss the different projects that we have at our school.
I heard that you recently met with the school Governors. What did you discuss?
We got a chance to meet with the governors and explained to them how the Smart School Council Works and also explained our roles within the Communication Team.
They liked the idea of everyone having a voice.
You’ve also met with your School Improvement Partner, Mr Burford. How did that meeting go?
When we met with Mr Burford, we explained our different roles and then showed him around the school, telling him more about the projects we have in mind.
What Action Teams do you have set up?
We have many Action Teams running with a timetable and an adult sponsor.
Currently, we have:
Sales Team
Times Tables Rockstars
Pro Football
Valence Voice (our online newspaper)
Girls’ Club
The children run these clubs and Ms Bailey helped to draw up a rota so that they have a room to use with an adult to supervise them.
Tell us about one of your class meetings and what was the result of it?
We used to have the Eisteddfod (Talent Show) and an Easter Egg competition in the past but it didn’t happen last year. We used the class meeting tool to get the children to vote as to whether they would like to bring this back. Our staff liaison persons, Tahlia and Reece, then met with Mr November at our Bonham site and presented him with the results of the votes.
He has said, ‘Yes’. This message was passed on to the children by Tahlia in assembly. Ms Bailey sent a letter to all parents about the Easter Egg Competition.
One of our big projects at the moment is to raise money for the astro turf. We have had a school disco, cake sale and the Sales Team sell items every alternate Friday to raise money for this project.
Amazing, thanks Sam and Glenn for your fantastic answers. It’s great to hear about your great work on Valance Primary’s Communication Team!
You can read more from Valence Voice here: