Add split Class Meetings ⭐️

Split class meetings will allow you to send out a single class meeting link, but have two different questions.

For example, you could send out a single link, but have one question for Key Stage 1, and another for Key Stage 2.

This feature wasn’t cheap! It cost our charity £5,200 to build. To recoup some of the cost, it is available to you for £99 per year.

  • Super easy for the class to organise [it’s still a single link] ✅

  • More age appropriate questions ✅

  • Simple to run class meetings about two different topics at the same time ✅

We’ll give you a hand setting this up, but here’s how it looks ⤵️

Upgrade here


Upgrade here 👇🏻

I'd like to upgrade for £99 [plus VAT your school can claim back]