Brian Eno is backing Smart School Councils!
Image Credit: Cecily Eno
We're excited to announce that we've received a grant of £30,000.
And that it's come from Brian Eno!
Well, we should be a little more accurate... it's actually come from a brand new organisation called the Coral Foundation, established and chaired by Eno as a vehicle to put his resources into the urgent work of building a viable future, with the recommendation and approval of all Coral's trustees.
In a letter to us, he described the ambition of Coral as being "to support work at the intersection of climate, creativity and citizenship; to imagine, demonstrate and encourage systems that can support a liveable future, starting from where we are."
We're one of Coral's first grantees and very much looking forward to putting this amazing gift towards our work.
Greg, Founder @ Smart School Councils
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