How Often Should You Do Class Meetings? Flexibility is Key
When it comes to the frequency of class meetings within the Smart School Council framework, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. It's all about what works best for your school and your students. Our experience with over 500 member schools has shown a variety of approaches, each effective in its own right. Let's explore some of these practices and how they can fit into your school's rhythm.
Frequency Varies Across Schools
- Some Choose Once Per Half Term: This approach is great for schools just starting with class meetings or those with particularly packed timetables. It's a gentle introduction to student-led discussions.
- Every Three Weeks or Fortnightly: Many schools find a sweet spot with meetings every two weeks or even every three weeks. This frequency strikes a balance, keeping the momentum without feeling overwhelming.
- Weekly Meetings - The Gold Standard: Schools that hold meetings weekly often see the most significant impact on skills development and school culture. Frequent meetings allow pupils to engage in discussions, debates, and negotiations regularly, enhancing their learning experience.
Variety Keeps It Engaging
Diversity in meeting content is vital. A mix of question types keeps things exciting and relevant. While it's essential to tackle school improvement topics, incorporating debates, current news discussions, and philosophical questions can enrich the experience. This variety ensures that meetings are not just productive but also enjoyable for the students.
Start Slow, Adapt Over Time
Remember, it's okay to start with less frequent meetings and gradually increase the frequency. Many schools begin with fewer meetings and, as they get more comfortable with the format, ramp up the regularity. The key is to adapt to what feels right for your school and students.
Class meetings are designed to be short and easily integrated into your school day. The frequency of these meetings should be tailored to your school’s needs and capacities. Whether it’s a gradual build-up or jumping straight into more frequent meetings, what matters most is creating a space where every pupil has the chance to voice their opinions and be heard.
In the end, it's all up to you. We're here to support your journey, no matter the pace or frequency you choose for your Smart School Council class meetings.
Smart School Councils, a charity devoted to establishing an inclusive approach to pupil voice, invites you to join this vital conversation. Your thoughts and opinions can help shape a more equitable future for all students.
Stay tuned for more insights as we continue to explore the complexities of pupil voice and school councils.